Head Development Northern Europe, InterContinental Hotels Group

Miguel Martins

Miguel Martins is the Head of Development for Northern Europe at IHG®, one of the world’s leading hotel companies. He is responsible for leading and developing IHG’s brand portfolio across Northern Europe, covering 23 countries, and identifying new business opportunities.  

Miguel and his team work collaboratively with development partners to deliver value for both franchised and managed hotels across luxury, upscale and mainstream brands. In his tenure with IHG, he has since signed over 45 new deals across the Northern Europe region. 

With extensive international experience in hotel development and hotel operations, he has been involved in over 20 projects in Europe, including Portugal, Spain and Poland. Prior to joining IHG in 2015, Miguel co-founded Polish Hotel Company, a strategic growth Partner, responsible for the roll out of some of IHG’s most well-known brands in Poland, such as Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Hotel Indigo and Crowne Plaza.

Miguel also worked as a Senior Consultant at an international hotel & asset management company based in Portugal where he was involved on various projects under local and international brands and experienced several functions in hotel operations. 

Panel z udziałem: Miguel Martins

    • 10:20 - 11:20

      PANEL LIDERÓW RYNKU: Zmieniający się krajobraz inwestycji hotelowych - jak operatorzy i sieci przystosowują się do nowych realiów rynku?

      Przedstawiciele międzynarodowych sieci hotelarskich i czołowi inwestorzy z polskiego rynku w dyskusji o tym, jak aktywnie przewidywać trendy i tworzyć nowe możliwości inwestycyjne. Które segmenty rynku czeka dynamiczny rozwój? Jak efektywnie planować biznes w obliczu globalnych zmian, w tym wydarzeń mających wpływ na branżę. 

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