Tomasz Szczepański

Experienced manager who i.a. headed Douglas cosmetics chain in CEE region. Manages Polish reservation platform and operator of all-year apartments & huts on the Baltic coast and in the mountains. guests receive #HotelStandard in independent lodging. The asset light company is a member of Zdrojowa Invest & Hotels group providing together 6 thousand beds in Poland.

Panel z udziałem: Tomasz Szczepański

    • 12:00 - 13:00

      Short-term rental - a supplement to the market or competition for hotels?

      We will discuss the scale of the rental market in Poland and compare its saturation with the markets of developed countries in Western Europe. We will look for an answer to the question of how this trend will develop in the coming years - considering the sensitivity of most consumers of this market to the downturn. We will also talk about EU regulations on information and registration obligations for landlords and booking services. We will also discuss issues related to the biggest challenges of the market in Poland - the gray economy, the register of other hotel facilities, local taxes, real estate tax, income tax, VAT. We will also ask the biggest market players about their expansion plans and forecasts.

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