Deputy President, Focus Hotels

Łukasz Płoszyński

Since 2012 Director of sales and marketing at Focus Hotels S.A., and since January 2013 Board member of the company, since September 2017 Deputy President and Chief Business Development Officer of Focus Hotels S.A. He is responsible for development strategy, marketing, and cooperation with key partners. Professional experience gained while working for Pearson PLC, Macquarie Bank, ING, Accor and Vienna International Hotelmanagement AG, where he was responsible for sales and customer relations. For 13 years on management positions, associated with hospitality industry since 2009.

Panel z udziałem: Łukasz Płoszyński

    • 11:05 - 12:00

      Lease, management or franchise - what solution to choose for your business today?

      When looking for the optimal solution for your business, it is worth asking yourself a few questions. What are the benefits and risks of leasing, managing and operating under a franchise of an international brand? What network support can we count on depending on the chosen form of cooperation? Which strategy turned out to be the safest in recent years, and which one is the most profitable?

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